Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ok, so I wanted to take a picture of all the people in the session tonight, but I didn't really want to distract people, so I took it really fast, and I didn't really aim. So, needless to say, it's not a good picture. I thought that I'd put it up anyway.

Those are Ricola cough drops. As far as cough drops go, those are some good ones.
Did y'all know that you can draw with that salt that you see on the sidewalks? This is a very special thing that Laura and I drew during a break. It's kind of hard to see... Can you tell what it is?
I took some pictures at lunch today. There's a picture of Laura intensely studying, uh, cows, and a pic of my lunch box and water bottle, and then there are some more cows, and then there's a conversation picture. Oh, also there's that lovely picture of Laura and me.

The session about "drugs" was taught be Dr. Smith. It was about counseling people who are on psychological drugs. Again, he emphasized that it is not our job, as a counselor, to get people off their medication. That can actually be detrimental to the person. These people have problems, and often their response to their problems is unbiblical. That response results in bad feelings, which leads to decreased function (i.e. they feel depressed). These individuals often get on a medication with the goal of getting rid of their bad feelings. Unfortunately, they do not realize that the real problem lies in their response to the problems. As a biblical counselor, we need to help them see the correct way to respond to these problems.

We watched a video of another counseling session today (for those of you who have been to this conference before, it was Trey and Deb). It's helpful to me to actually see a counselor counseling. It's nice to be able to see all these things that we've been learning put into action.

In a few minutes our last session for the day is going to start (there's a clock counting down on the powerpoint, 3:05). It is called "When Life Makes No Sense". Paul Tripp is the speaker.
We're going to learn about drugs now, apparently.
We've had 3 sessions so far today. 2 of them have been about parenting, and the third was about worry and fear.
I think that I'm picking up an accent.